Getting your child to exercise can be tough. Helping them stick to a fitness program can be even more challenging. Children with autism and other neurodivergent disorders often have difficulty focusing on a task at hand and may even struggle with specific movement and balance patterns. Learning how to work out with children with autism takes patience and diligence, but once they have a system in place, the benefits of exercise can help them in all areas of life.

Exercise Connection has solutions for parents of children with autism who are trying to develop an activity plan. Our Exercise Buddy app can be the key to finding the perfect plan for your child to become more active. Through engaging instructional videos, you can empower your child to learn to exercise on their own while you monitor their progress easily. For more information, call us or download the app on the App Store or Google Play today.

Exercise for Autism Treatment

There is a growing body of evidence that exercise can help improve symptoms in people with autism. One study showed that children who participated in an eight-week aerobic and motor skill training program had improved social interactions, communication, and overall functioning. Other studies have found that exercise can help improve focus, attention, and executive functioning skills in people with autism.

The long-term benefits of exercise for people with autism are also being explored. One study found that children who participated in a three-year physical activity program had improved social skills, communication abilities, and motor skills compared to those who did not participate in the program.

How Exercise Buddy Can Help

The Exercise Buddy app can help you create a personalized exercise program for your child with autism. With easy-to-use tools, you can select the type of exercises your child enjoys, set goals, and track their progress over time.

Find New Exercises

The app offers various exercises that you can tailor to your child’s interests and abilities. You can explore new activities together and find ones they enjoy and are motivated to do. From yoga to weight training, there is a wide range of movements to keep them engaged.

Track Progress

With the app, you can easily keep track of your child’s progress and see how they improve over time. This progress monitoring helps you to adjust the difficulty of the exercises as needed and ensure they are challenging.

Get Engaged

The language and interface in the app work specifically to keep children with autism engaged and motivated. The bright colors, simple icons, and step-by-step instructions help them follow along with the exercises easily.

Simple Exercise Planning for Parents

Parents of children with autism often face many challenges. Learning how to exercise with your child should not be a struggle. With the immense benefits regular exercise can provide, there should not be a barrier to easy planning.

Not every parent is a licensed physical therapist or a physical education teacher. However, with the right resources, every parent can develop an age and ability-appropriate program for their child.

The Exercise Buddy app was created to be that resource. It is a user-friendly program that puts the power of easy exercise planning into your hands. Try it today to see how it can help you get your child moving.

Download Exercise Buddy Today

Ready to help your child start exercising? Enjoy a 14-day free trial of Exercise Buddy so you can explore the benefits and kickstart an exercise treatment plan for your child. Download the app today on the App Store or Google Play.

For more information about Exercise Buddy or any of our other solutions, call us or browse our catalog today.
